Welcome to www.antiekeradio.nl
This site is about my greatest hobby; "antique radio" When thinking
of antique radio's the first thing
that springs to mind is valve radio, also called tube radio. The website,
started as an experiment in Oktober 2000, has grown immensly and
today it contains photos of almost all items in my collection, commercial
material and some other info like links. Also, some Blaupunkt service
documentation has been put online recently (see "restoration"). My
primary field of collecting is the period 1945-1955. I have a lot of philips
radios, but besides those
there are a lot of other brands too. I also have some pickups, tape recorders,
and even some tube TV's.

Do you have an old radio that you don't know of what to do with it? Don't
throw it away!!! You might give it to a collector (if you live in Holland or
Belgium I might be able to pick it up). On my "links" pages you can
find collectors from all around the world. Send
me an email
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